Pete Rose was the last man to be banned from baseball after he bet on his own team to wi..."/> Pete Rose was the last man to be banned from baseball after he bet on his own team to wi..."/>

Pete Rose Wants A-Rod To Come Clean


Pete Rose was the last man to be banned from baseball after he bet on his own team to win. Rumors are going around that Yankees’ third baseman, Alex Rodriguez might soon be banned from baseball as well after using Performance Enhancing Drugs.

Pete Rose has not been involved in baseball in 24 years, right now he lives in Las Vegas and makes some money by signing memorabilia. Pete has been asked about A-Rod and he says “He screwed up, no question about it. But, if there’s a lesson to be learned in my deal it’s this: If you screw up and do something, don’t lie about it.”

Pete denied betting on baseball for several years, but eventually he admitted that he was betting. Rose also wants A-Rod to come clean, saying “Don’t be like me. Come clean. I eventually came clean, but it was too late.”