NFL Changes Extra Point Rule

The NFL Competition Committee got together Tuesday afternoon and made a change to the game of football that most people would have anticipated, or at least considered more probable than not.
The Extra Point has been moved back from the 2-yard line, to the 15 yard line. This makes the attempt a 32 yarder as opposed to the almost automatic 19 yarder. The other change that was made to this rule is that NFL defenses may attempt to return two-point conversions and extra point attempts. The two-point conversion will remain at the 2-yard line.
However, according to the NFL’s Officially kept stats, field goals that were attempted from 30-39 yards out last season were still successful nearly 90% of the time. 13 of the 36 kickers were perfect from that distance.
2-point conversions last season we successful 63% of the time with multiple teams out of the 15 that attempted the try, being perfect. 90% still seams like a very safe chance. In a league where gambling is very frowned upon, it will be interesting to see if the change to the kicking game will be enough to entice coaches to go for two more often, or if they will stick by the books and tradition by taking the point after.
News was broken when Dean Blandino tweeted out the rule change, which can be seen here.